Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Healthcare or Nightmare

First of all....there is no "final" healthcare bill at this time....

Why should we be expected to approve or even disapprove this phantom "idea" that remains a mystery to even those who are trying to sell it....? Is that not in itself a raving insult....both to our intelligence and our common sense? Isn't it more than kinda disappointing that our PRESIDENT would travel the country encouraging you to buy something that doesn't even exist yet! All he has to offer are hopes and dreams with a costly commitment attached... Of course his expectations are that because he sells it we should buy it sight unseen and all will be well with the world!

I can't remember the last time I was willing to buy something from a total stranger who couldn't tell me what it was they were selling because it hadn't been invented yet....hmmmmm....I am thinking...NEVER!.

In fact, aren't we constantly warned about signing on to contractual agreements without "reading the fine print". You know..."Buyer Beware" and all that....hmmm....yes....we could be sued for such ignorance.........

Oh but, like the usual sales pitch, this is for our good so do not insult them with concern or a question....we should just hush and trust them. Trust them? There was a time when I did. There was a time when to me an elected offical was above reproach and I personally viewed them as someone I was sure had my best interest as their ambition. That was when elected officials considered it a privilege to represent me. Yes, a privilege.

Here's the a nutshell. Its not what is written, it isn't even what isn't is the EVOLUTION OF WHAT WILL BE WRITTEN....!

Anything that has government oversight ususally comes with a "manual", "specifications", "codes". "special requirements", etc., etc...and on and on.

Anyone who has had to apply for approval or acceptance according to government regulatory oversights has experienced the frustration in the lack of consistency of the "interpretation" and "application" of the published guidelines. It is never universally applied and is the reason for delays, misunderstandings and costly mistakes in the implementation of the "rules".

The vagueness and complexity of this healthcare novel will without a doubt evolve into an unruly nightmare of misuse, misinterpretation and lack of consistent application of the intent of the rules as written. It happens all the is more than predictable, without doubt...and it will be a holy nightmare! If this thing was pristinely written without derrogatory or threatening and vague inuendos it would still evolve into something it was not intended to be!!! This is just the way of is historically documented!!

The original intent will gradually be lost, embellished upon and spiral out of control. It will always and forever be misunderstood, misapplied and misexplained, and interpretation will be dependant on which green-behind-the-ear, recent college grad, lack of common sense idiot administrator is attempting to resolve your personal situation.

Do you like call centers? Imagine trying to get answers about your health questions through a call center in India. Well trained, robotic sounding voices with template answers and lacking any personal concern for you and your families well being....thats how I see it EVOLVING. Their response will be "well, those are the rules, mam, nothing I can do to help you", (ever heard that before).

I want to make my own decisions about my families health insurance and end of life plans... Leave me alone Washington!

Susan J. Cherish
Heart to Heart

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What is blogging...hmmm...

Yes, I am a newcomer to this blogisphere (sp?)... Have no idea where this is going, but at least it is an outlet for my frustrations and concerns. There must be millions of bloggers out there, but I am going to tip my toe in the pool slowly and gradually dive in and swim with all the other fishes.

I was thinking.......(fantasizing maybe) about what it would be like to be chosen to ask a question at one of the Presidential debates..... Let it be known that I am conservative, very conservative. But first and foremost, I love America!

I remember the 2004 democratic convention when Barac Obama spoke. I was encouraged and impressed by the message he delivered so eloquently at that event. He spoke of one America and ending devisive rhetoric. I knew he was destined for the Presidency.....or at least to run for President.

His message then was good but he has either lost his original message or he fooled us with his amazing oration. He has become just another politician.

I imagined myself at the debate and being given the honor to pose a question to Senator Obama.... I brought with me pictures of our current President George W. Bush. I held up the "then" picture and the "now" picture side by side, and asked Senator Obama to look at how time and stress of the office had treated our President.The contrast in the past and present images are stark.... It is the physical evidence of a man who,during unprecendented times, gave his life to protect and guide our great country with the best he had to offer under constant cruel criticism and exaggerated accusations.

I told Senator Obama of how his speech had given me hope that someone else wanted to end the hateful rhetoric and devisiveness that prevents progress and wise decisions being made for America. I explained to him that that I knew on many issues we would differ and that I could respect, but I hoped that he would bring the example of proper respect for our highest authority no matter the party (it is what he said).
Still holding the pictures of our President for him to see, I told him that when he attacks our president from the position of a "Monday Morning Quarterback" his image, to me, is diminished greatly. Did our President make mistakes....Yes. Will the next President make mistakes...Yes. To assume that because you might have chosen a different solution or decision all would be perfect and great is ignorant and foolish. It sounds self serving and we all know you are on shakey ground when you take that stance.
When you trash our President it is like a knife in my heart. Senator Obama, where is the respect for the office at least.....where is the example for our youth that even though you have the right to say what you please, sometimes its not the right time to say it. When you take the low road for political gain you become no more than just another politician.... You left me behind when you continued your attack on the "Bush Administration".... without the smallest appreciation for the difficult decisions our President faced over these past eight years.

Our President has disappointed me on many issues.... But I never doubted that his motivation was in the best interest of our country from his perspective. Why can't you Senator Obama acknowledge that our President served his presidency during extraordinary times with unmatched challenges. All was not perfect, but he was an honorable, moral man who regardless of political spin served his country with all his heart.....history will say its so....and so do these pictures.

There is a difference Senator Obama between "a lie" and"a mistake"... please don't call our President a liar....please.

If you are so lucky to win the Presidency, even though our ideals differ, I will treat your victory with respect and assume that you too, when you make mistakes, thought you did the right thing....

Please, stop it....please be a real example of change for all those young people you are trying to recruit for your support....please.

God bless,Susan J. Cherish
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